So this week's posting is going to be a little different. The titles will pretty much look like this one and I'm hoping to have two posts a day (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) and if I follow through on means that sometime this week I will be hitting my 600th post! Wow! And furthermore, have any of you checked out that followers gadget lately? Treble Clef now has 89 followers! That's so awesome.
So my crazy week starts today. Yesterday I planned by outlining the whole week's activities and sticking it to the fridge, figuring out what I'll wear every day so I don't waste time doing that in the morning, etc. And today's the day it all starts!
My handy-dandy schedule says a few things are happening today. XanFan has a baseball game and my mom and I have to run the concessions stand, I have a doctor's appointment after school and I need to wash my trumpet. I also have to turn in my laptop :'( and clarinet today, and it's our next to last sectional and out final chorus rehearsal.
Finally, I've already heard most of your opinions through the Cbox and previous comments, but how do you like the makeover? Olive Tree did a great job! The only problem seems to be that I don't have a 'fonts and colors' tab any more so I can't change that purplely color to a nice orange. :P Also, as you can see, I have a button now and I'd love it if you put it on your blog!
I love the new look! :D
(You're button is on my sidebar.)
It's because you're in Draft. Change from draft for 1 second and then go back.
The button is already up on mine. ^^
I think Olive Tree did a great job! Love the color scheme, and the quote from the background :)
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