


A Post of Many Topics

First I'll say sorry for not posting yesterday- Je regrette, mes amies!

Now the weather has been awful strange today. It's rained, a few minutes ago, the wind was gusting like crazy, it's been perfectly sunny and warm, and (so my mom says) there was a short snow squall. (I wouldn't know 'cause I did tons of work in school today)

Anyway, another thing that happened today was that our band director announced section leaders for the Memorial Day Parade. The section leaders are always 8th graders, and well, they lead their section. There are two (usually a boy and a girl) for each section plus one head section leader who oversees everything and does anything the band director tells them to quote Mrs Barry "Immediately, or sooner." As it turns out, My good friend Super Gato is a section leader in the trumpets and another good friend Bella will be co-leading the flutes. And I got quite a surprise when I learned that I was the head section leader! Super cool...I'm really excited.

Finally I should really go because I've got homework to do...starting with science. We have to do these things called Earthweek's every week. This is the topic that I picked this week (they are all about this length, or shorter from

''Pigeons seem to use a flexible system of leadership while choosing what direction to fly, in which every bird in the flock gets a vote, but status determines who are more likely to lead and who are followers. Scientist from Oxford University and Hungary’s Eötvös University fitted the birds with tiny GPS backpacks to plot their movements.
The team then measured shifts in the flight direction of each bird five times a second, documenting changes in direction and altitude among birds in the flock to determine which initiated any given change in direction and which followed.
Analysis revealed that there are well-defined hierarchies and ranks of leadership that determine which birds have the most influence.
Writing in the journal Nature, the researchers said they couldn’t tell if rank was determined by simple motivation or through inherited levels of navigation skills.
They say they also found that a bird's position in the flock matched its rank in the hierarchy, with individuals nearer the front more likely to be responsible for choosing which direction to fly."

Now I ask you this. How do I summarize this in a whole typed page?

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