


A Reflection on the 1st Semester (in journal format)

Today was the first day of third quarter, which means that as of now, I have an A+ average in every class to start off the semester. I'll try and keep it around there, but who knows what is to come in the second half of this school year. Lot's of things have already happened that have been exciting, scary, and fun. 

One of the best things was marching band. It was basically a last-minute decision, but one that I am oh so glad that I made. The practices were always long and tiring, but there was extreme satisfaction after every performance, especially after winning gold at finals. Some scary moments were, of course, being rushed to the hospital for asthma and having swine. I thank all the bloggers who stood by me at those times and made life a little more bearable, even though I was stuck at home. By far the most exciting thing that has happened though, was getting my trumpet. It has enhanced my playing and performance, and I love it to death, of course. The day is almost over, and I am one step closer to high school. What will happen next? 

~~The Cornet Crazie

1 comment:

Lucy said...

You'll probably contract another horrible disease and have to be rushed to the hospital and be put on respiration and have emergency surgery and get another concussion skiing and then get a fever of 105ºF and almost die and then you get swine flu again and can never leave your house and you have to be home-schooled and you can never see Mrs. Barry again because the disease is highly contagious but you never get over it and Mrs. Barry comes and visits you anyway but she gets the disease too and then she can never teach again. That is my theory.