


Movie Review: 9 (and Saddleback)

Last night when Olive Tree was here, we watched the movie '9'. First off, it should NOT have been rated PG-13. It was less violent then Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which was rated PG! Basically, the story is that all the people have been killed in a great war and there are only these 9 little manikin people who weren't killed and they have to fight the machines that took over the world. And 5 of them die, but as they are set free it starts raining again, and what comes out of rain? New life! My rating? 3 out of 5 stars, because although it carried a really important message, a lot of the parts were just pointless.

Also, tomorrow I leave for Saddleback!!!

I *LOVE* this mountain. The view from the summit is INCREDIBLE and the trails are awesome. We'll be skiing there for 3 days, but luckily, my dad is bring his laptop so I'll still be able to post and check e-mail every night. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive so we'll have to leave around 6 tomorrow morning, but it will all be worth it once we hit the slopes!!!


Lucy said...

Someone's obsessive (in a good way)....

Eldarwen said...

It looks animated. Was it? Sounds like a good story, but I don't care much for "scary" animated movies. They're not scary and they always seem to have no point... and they're cheesy. Also, I'm sure it's no where near as good as Terminator! lol =D


Cherry said...

saddleback...maine...OMG! OMG! OMG! i live in maine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!