


I'm bored.

I'm bored.

I've spent the whole day cleaning.

Because I'm going to go pick up Olive Tree at 4

She lives a half hour away

Cause she moved last year.

Anyway, I had to clean.

Which rendered me completely bored.

Thus only being entertained by the sounds of my brother watching iCarly (?)

And messing with the fonts and colors of this post

Which is actually a little fun.


Did I tell you we got into the talent show?

But you probably already knew that from Elrania's blog.

Sorry Elrania. This PC computer can't do accents.


Also, I want a fish.

Like, they're dreadfully boring, but sparkly and flashy.

And it's better then no pets at all.

We used to have fish ya know.

But they died.


One of them was named Flower.

She was EXTREMLY fat.

She even died of over eating.

That's just....

Anyway, when she died she didn't go belly-up at the top of the tank.

She sank to the bottom. 

Poor Flower.

And then there was Snoopy 1 who lived one night.

And Snoopy 2 who lived a year and a half.

Well, time to go pick up Olive Tree.

Hope you enjoyed my ramblings!


☪Dream said...

I have two fish right now! lol. Two betta's! A female(Emerald Bay*Emerald for short*) and a male(Ember)! :)

Anonymous said...

I have like 14 animals CrAzY!