


March Musings

Yo peeps. LOL, I guess I'm feeling a little gangster (or 'gangstah' if you want to say it the way we Mainers do) Must be the new shirt I'm wearing...kinda gangster, grunge-like. Or maybe I just really wanted to start my post with 'Yo peeps'. I dunno.
Anyway, some musings on MARCH.

March is our 3rd month (duh), but in the time of the Roman empire, March, or what they called it, Martius, in celebration of their god, Mars. Just a little fun fact for ya :)

So now that it's March, I am so ready for the snow to disappear. That would be fantastic. I want it to get warmer and sunnier, and have the birds singing, the grass to grow, and for the early spring flowers to pop up from underground.
I'm tired of the I'm desperate for winter to end and not go on into APRIL as it has in the past. Seriously, a few years ago we got little snow during the winter, it was pretty mild, we got through March, it seemed like spring had sprung....
and out of nowhere, in the middle of April, we had two huge blizzards.

That wasn't a lot of fun, especially when we thought winter was gone.

This winter though has been pretty chilly and we've gotten a bunch of snow. The band room has been absolutely FREEZING since, like, November because the heat didn't turn on.
It was literally 51º (F) in there yesterday! Brrr! So cold, I had to use my plastic mouthpiece.
And then today, March first, what do they do?


And once the heat is on, it's quite nice in the band room, actually. 70º (F) this morning to be exact. It was quite nice! My only question is....why couldn't they have just turned the heat on last December?

So that's March so far....I always find it a long, and often boring month, so I sure hope it goes fast!


Shelley said...

That stinks how you got a couple blizzards in April! I hope it warms up too! I'm sick of the cold! :)

Lucy said...

Remember when it was 75º last March for States? That was so weird.

Zoraz said...

Lol! It's funny to hear other people saying they DON'T want snow. We usually get about 1 inch every winter, now iwht the blizzard, we got 6 inches!! Yay!

Zoraz said...

What happened to Elrania!?!??!??? Where'd her blog go? Why'd she delete it!? AHHHHHHHH!!! *hyperventalates*

All Things Lovely said...

We'd love for you to join the growing community at Blessings! =)