This is a very special post. #300!!!!!!! I may just be the FIRST person in our little blogging branch to meet this feat! (yay me) So, as promised, 100 things, a tag by me, and awards for everybody!
100 random things about the Cornet Crazie-
- i like pie
- i really don't mind math
- i LOVE long division
- i like decimals and percents, but not fractions
- i have a lexile of over 1300
- that's high collage level!
- i support the red sox
- my second favorite team is the astros
- i love my macbook
- my favorite number is 28
- we came up with an awesome outfit for us to wear to school on game days
- we get to wear capes!
- i am horrible at origami
- i can barely make the simplest paper airplane
- i love to draw
- i love to write
- i love to read
- music is my passion
- i want to be a band director when i grow up
- i know clarinet, but can't play it
- i have the most awesome band director EVER!
- i am trying out for honors band
- i hope i get a higher placing for honors
- like first chair.....
- or second......
- i can't wait for jazz screenings to be over
- i really like our new chorus teacher
- she's sooooo much better then our old one!
- my mom never posts on her blog
- my brother never posts on HIS blog
- my dad doesn't understand blogger
- shame on him
- this was my last year in little league
- this makes me sad
- i have to write an essay today
- it was kinda boring
- there's a dance on friday
- i like dances
- they are very fun
- and super gato and elránia and i can do our sick nasty dance routine from last year
- i have an awesome outfit to wear for the dance
- it's my first dance with a boyfriend
- kinda scary
- i like snow
- 'cause that mean i can go skiing
- can you tell i like skiing?
- scratch that......i LOVE skiing
- i am eating haddock tonight
- tomorrow i am having mac 'n cheese
- yum!
- i love food
- food is good for your soul
- and chocolate is good for your heart
- and music is also good for your soul
- any girl who plays brass (excluding french horn) is totally awesome
- you girls rock!
- and olive tree also rocks 'cause she's a girl bass player
- my neck really hurts
- probably from all those goalie charges i did today
- field hockey is awesome!
- better then soccer
- but soccer is cool too
- i just like field hockey better
- flowers are pretty
- elránia was drawing flowers in science class today
- and bella played her piccolo on the bus
- they're so tiny
- treble clefs are the best symbol
- i was drawing LoTR towers today
- i'm re-reading LoTR
- i'm tired
- i also have math homework to do
- but not now 'cause i'm posting!!!
- this is my longest post.....
- i like candles
- they're pretty
- and i like running my fingers through the flame
- it feels all warm and ticklish
- i wear flip-flops from the first day of spring well into october
- i was a grape for my first halloween
- pilgrim lodge is the best summer camp
- it's so beautiful there
- i'm running out of ideas
- i like to run
- but it makes me have asthma attacks
- i hate asthma attacks
- i am allergic to almost everything natural
- saaaaaaaaaadnesss
- i am hungry
- i really am crazy.....
- very crazy
- but you probably had that figured out already
- i have 33 followers
- and a bunch of awards
- and lots of cool gadgets
- i really like my blog
- it's come a very long way since january
- i have a broken toe
- i have post conncussive syndrome
- the cornet crazie is done
A tag by me
What time is it? 6:59 pm
What kind of computer are you usuing? My awesome MacBook
How many blogs do you have? 3
What is your best blog? Treble Clef
Do you do band? Of couse! Who do you think I am?
What instuments do you play? Cornet, trombone, trumpet, piano
Do you like music? Hello? Life force!
Was this fun? Yep
Sorry that was short.......
Now for my awards!
The Irresistible Blog Award!
I give this to Silverstar (for StormClan) , Elrania, Bella and Olive Tree
I award this to Silverstar (for Randomness), Eskan, and Super Gato
I award this to you if you have been on blogger for a year or more
I give this to Super Gato and Olive Tree
If you have or want a reptile!
If you love cats, dogs or any other cute furry mammal!
I give this to Elrania, Bella, Silverstar, Emma, Olive Tree, and Moriah
Both of Bella, Olive Tree, Elrania and Emma
If you have read at least 6 Warriors books and liked them
All my followers!
To Silverstar, Elrania and Olive Tree
My best friends in real life, Olive Tree, Elrania, Super Gato and Bella!
If you love school!
If you believe in dragons
For anyone who hates Twilight!
Super Gato
If you go to church
If you are a follower or contributer of Ecosphere
If you love cats
If you are devoted to being green
All my followers are princesses!
If you take band and love it!
If you read more than 100 books this past summer!
If you could eat chocolate all the time!
If you like to write
If I am following your blog
That's it! Wasn't that an AWESOME post???? :) Comment!