


Now, I Long For Summer

It's that time of year again. The time of year when I'm sick of being cold, I'm tired of school, and would just like winter to hurry up and end already.
Of course, I'd like the snow to stick around (at least up north) for another week for our annual skiing trip to Saddleback, (YAY!!!), and it would be nice if it was snowy on my birthday, the 28th, but after that? 
The snow can go and leave, and time needs to skip to April vacation, so there's not a lot of school left.
And it's warm for once.
Another thing that's made me wish for summer is that yesterday, Pilgrim Lodge signups opened, and naturally I pestered my parents into signing me up last night. 
This makes me long for summer even more.
So basically, I want to be here next week:
(not my images)

And then immediately after....I'd like to be here:

(Also not my images)

1 comment:

Lucy said...