


Beach Daze

Have I mentioned how much I love the beach?
The sand, the sun, the surf. Just perfect.
Today, our last day here, started out badly.
With rain.
I was not happy. I mean, it was our last day and I wanted to spend it at the beach of course!
We even walked in the rain to the post office so I could send a couple letters and got totally drenched. Yeah, that totally lifted my mood...
Thankfully though, it cleared off enough for us to want to get moving and get to the beach. It was actually quite a nice day there too. It wasn't too hot and although it was windy, it wasn't terribly cold either. The waves were also the best they'd been so we had a good time body surfing, especially at the end of the day.
After a while the sun came out too which was super nice as well.
Plus it was thoroughly pleasing that I didn't burn any more.

Speaking of my burns, they are still very very sore around my shoulders, and I really don't want to talk about the ones on my stomach....
Already splotchy they've turned a violent reddish-purple hue and are making it look like my tummy is diseased. Not pleasant, I assure you.
But you know, at least I'm tan in some places! That NEVER happens :)

We're going to head home sometime tomorrow I think and hopefully it will be a painless trip back and I will get to do a good chunk of driving too.
Upon my return home I don't have much to do for the next two weeks except do my AP US History homework, clean and relax (at places like the beach) until marching band starts up. (Oh yeah, maybe I should memorize my music too....)
Sounds like it'll be pretty low-key which is in direct contrast to how it's been!
Oh well, I could probably use the break.... 

1 comment:

Buttercup said...

you have this quality about you, can say something simple and just get me to literally laugh out loud. love it.

ah yes, not being able to get a tan...I can relate, sister...I can relate...